The Rommelpot

Again another little marvel of popular and little-known music from the Ocora Radio France collection. These ballades, dances and songs of Wallonia and Flanders, have happiness to give to listen to the rommelpot, a friction drum which purpose, just like the gopichand from the Bauls of Bengal or the Brazilian cuìca, is to set the rythm as well as to accompany a melody. Manufactured with the bladder of a pig or a mare, a stick is being fixed in the middle of the membrane that one rubs with a wet tissue (preferably humidified with beer!). The pitch of the sound is obtained while pressing on the skin of the drum more or less close to the stick. As much as the hurdy-gurdy or the accordion (also available on these recordings) the rommelpot is in fact an amazing kind of mobile brass band for street singer.


Belgique, danses et chansons de Flandres et de Wallonie

Ocora Radio France - C580061

• 'k heb so lang met de Rommelpot gelopen.mp3

• Drie Koningen
met ene Ster.mp3

• Vastenavond die Komt aan.mp3

• 't was op ene witten Donderdag (2nd Interpretation).mp3